Trigger - Serves as the integration point between the application
workflow and Bridges
generally, an action in Hyperspace, like clicking a button or closing
an activity
-a single, clearly defined action that a user or process can take those
results in an interface message being created and sent
An interface message contains.... - Data about an event (like a patient
being admitted to the hospital)
MSH-11 and MSH-12 are... - the HL7 processing ID and version;
Epic checks these values on an incoming message and rejects the
message if they do not match the expected values
Segment Identifier - Three character code that identifies what kind
of data that segment contains
PID-5 - patient name
NTE segment - can follow many different segments
Z-segment - custom segment for a specific implementation
Is it necessary to send empty fields following the last valued field? -
Within a field do you need to send all components? - Only as many as
are valued
Blank fields... - don't file anything
Delete character HL7 - double quotes " "--- tells the receiving system
to delete a piece of info it has
FHIR - specifies RESTful exchange method via HTTPs to access data
Other standards supported by Bridges - X12, FHIR, NCPDP,
DICOM, and Direct
Event (in context of outgoing message flow) - small set of values with
the necessary info to build the message: patient ID, patient contact,
type of message, and additional info
-contains directions for where the interface should pull the
information it needs from the database
Queue - storage location outside of Chronicles database structure
Event Queue is processed by... - the Event Daemon
Daemon (Outgoing Message Flow) - process that runs in the
background without any direct user action
Event Daemon (Outgoing Message Flow) - pulls an event off the Event
Queue, uses the information in the event to build the message and
finally deletes the event from the event queue.
The event daemon puts the message it has built onto the data queue
and adds an instruction to the Control Queue
builds an HL7 message based on data pulled from Chronicles
Data Queue (Outgoing Message Flow) - contains the full text of the
message along with some additional metadata (i.e. timestamp) about
message processing
Control Queue (Outgoing Message Flow) - a to-do list and contains
very little data
-processed by the Communications Dae
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