_________ describes sound frequencies beyond (ultra-) the range of normal human hearing (i.e., 20 hertz [Hz] and 20 kilohertz [kHz]). Ultrasound Ultrasound refers to sound __________ greater than 20 kHz. frequency Used in applications such as automatic door openers and to _________________________in metals detect flaws Common use of ultrasound is __________, which can locate objects under water as well as determine the distance. sonar Ultrasound has medical uses in both diagnostic and ______________ applications therapeutic Ultrasound in ____________ and ______________ therapy to increase blood flow to help speed up the healing process and to create a warming in the tissues. physical and occupational ___________: ultrasound is used at high power levels to break up gallstones, kidney stones, and even heel spurs. lithrotripsy Most common use of ultrasound in medicine is diagnostic ultrasound The term ___________ is very broad and includes both medical and nonmedical uses of sound waves as well as therapeutic and diagnostic applications in medical applications.
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