Exam 2: NR228 / NR 228 (Latest Update 2024/2025) Nutrition, Health & Wellness: |Complete Guide with Questions and Verified Answers| 100% Correct -Chamberlain
Exam 2: NR228 / NR 228 (Latest Update
2024/2025) Nutrition, Health & Wellness:
|Complete Guide with Questions and Verified
Answers| 100% Correct -Chamberlain
Q: Thiamine (B1) function
Coezyme in energy metabolism. role in nerve function- ing related to muscle actions.
Q: Thiamine (B1) sources
lean pork, whole or enriched grains and flours, legumes, seeds, and nuts
Refined flour and rice are thiamine enriched
Q: Thiamine (B1) Deficiency
Psychologic distrubances, headaches, fatigue, irri- tability
Beriberi Ataxia and Tachycardia
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome - a cerebral form (chronic alcoholism)
Q: Riboflavin (B2)Function and sources
Coenzyme in energy release milk is a major source, whole and enriched grains, meats, fish,
poultry, eggs, broccoli, dark leafy greens, asparagus
Q: Riboflavin (B2) deficiency
Ariboflavinosis - Cheilosis (swollen lips; cracks in corner of mouth)
Glossitis: Toungue inflamed swollen, purple, red color seborrheic (scalp) dermatitis
Roboflaxin: Very sensitive, lost in cooking water.
Q: Niacin (B3) Function
coenzyme for many enzymes, especially energy metab- olism; critical for glycolysis and
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
Q: Niacin (B3) Sources
protein-containing foods (meats, poultry, fish, legumes, enriched cereals, milk, coffee, tea)
Q: Niacin (B3) deficiency
pellagra: 3 Ds (Diarrhea, Dermatitis, Dementia) Risk Factor Alcoholism
Q: Pyridoxine (B6) Function
Acts as a coenzyme in metabolism of amino acids and proteins
Necessary for hemoglobin synthesis
Required for conversion of trytophan to niacin coenzyme for fatty acid and carbohydrate
Q: Pyridoxine (B6) sources
widespread in foods, especially whole grains and cereals, legumes, chicken, fish, pork, and eggs
Q: Pyridoxine (B6) deficiency
rare to occur alone; accompanies low intake of other B vitamins.
Dermatitis, altered nerve function, weakness, poor growth, convulsions, and micro- cytic anemia
Some drugs that affect the biovailability and metabolism: oral contraceptics, isoni- azid,
penicillamine, cycloserine, and hydralazine.
Q: Folate (B9) functions
Coenzyme in one-carbon transfer during metabolism; Required for the synthesis of amino acids,
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA); Consists of the heme portion of
hemoglobin; Role in proper formation of fetal neural tubes, which affects brain and spinal cord
development; helps prevent spina bifida and anencephaly
Q: Folate (B9) Sources
leafy green vegetables, legumes, some fruits, fortified cereal grains
Q: Folate (B9) deficiency
megaloblastic anemia, glossitis, diarrhea, irritability, absent mindedness, depression, anxiety
Deficiency during pregnancy = increased risk for neural tube defects = increase from
400 to 600 during pregnancy)
May mak the presence of pernicious anemia
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