What are the Big Three "Functional Tests"? - ANSWER- (1) Squatting
(Symmetrical Stance)
(2) Lunging (Asymmetrical Stance)
(3) Stepping (Single Leg Stance)
What are the Little Four Tests biased toward? - ANSWER- Biased
toward Mobility
--Want to identify mobility restrictions
--If they can't move through the range, they can't feel what to do next **
What two things do the Deep Squat do for us? - ANSWER- Incorporate
fully coordinated extremity mobility
AND demonstrates core stability
DS-- How should foot position be established? - ANSWER- The inseam
of the foot is aligned with the crease of the armpit
DS-- How do you set up hand position? - ANSWER- Place stick on
head. Then position arms so that elbows create a 90 degree angle. Then
elevate hands above head
DS -- How to score a 3? - ANSWER- --At lowest position, pt torso must
be at least parallel with tibia
--Femur is just below parallel with the floor
--Knees should not track inside feet (Not buckle)
--Dowel remains aligned over their feet
DS -- How to score a 2? - ANSWER- Must be able to perform all four
criteria necessary for score of 3. EXCEPT can have heels elevated
DS -- How to score a 1? - ANSWER- Cannot perform one or more of
the four criteria even when heals are elevated
DS -- How to score a 0? - ANSWER- Pain is present anywhere in body
during test
Why is a dowel used in the Hurdle Step (HS) screen? - ANSWERThere should be no movement above the waist. Should be able to
accomplish this task w/ lower body mechanics only
HS -- How to setup? - ANSWER- --Hurdle line should be moved to a
height that is equivalent to the tibial tuberosity (bony protuberance just
below knee cap
--Feet as close together as possible, while feet touching the base of the
--Hand Position should make 90 degree angle with dowel resting on
head, then dowel can be lowered to rest on back of neck
**Performed on each leg, and score is determined by the stepping leg
HS -- How to score a 3? - ANSWER- --Hips, knees, and ankles must all
be aligned within sagital plane
--Minimal/no movement in lumbar spine
--Throughout movement, dowel should remain parallel with hurdle
HS -- How to score a 2? - ANSWER- Not able to comply to all 3 of the
HS requirements
HS -- How to score a 1? - ANSWER- --Unable to complete the pattern
--If there is contact between stepping foot and any part of the hurdle
--Loss of balance is noted
-----> Significant wt shift onto stepping leg after foot leaves start
position to avoid falling
HS -- How to score a 0? - ANSWER- If there is pain in any body part at
any point in test.
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