Nursing ethical principles
o Autonomy
o Beneficence
o Fidelity
o Justice
o Nonmaleficience
o Veracity
Intentional torts
o Assault
o Battery
o False imprisonment
Unintentional torts (didn’t intend to harm patient but you did)
o Negligence- forgetting to set the bed alarm for a fall risk patient
o Malpractice- medication error occurs that harms a patient
Informed Consent
o Responsibility of the provider
Purpose and complete description of procedure in patient’s
primary language
Risks vs. benefits
Describe alternatives
o Responsibility of the nurse
Make sure provider did give all info needed
Patient is competent
Patient sign consent document
If pt has further questions call provider and have them
come back and explain things further BEFORE they sign
the form
Advance Directives
o Living will
o Durable power of attorney (health care proxy)
o Provider’s orders- for DNR AND (allow natural death)
o Mandatory Reporting—must report suspicion of abuse
Don’t wait just report it right away
Report communicable disease to local and state departments
Mandated by the state
Nursing Documentation
o Recording objective data
Don’t include opinions and interpretations
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