1.A nurse is teaching about the energy needed at rest to maintain life-sustaining

activities for a specific period of time. What is the nurse discussing?

a. Resting energy expenditure (REE)

b. Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

c. Nutrient density

d. Nutrients


The baSal metabOliC rate (BMR) iS the energy needed at reSt tO maintain lifeSuStaining aCtivitieS fOr a SpeCifiC periOd Of time, The reSting energy

expenditure (REE), Or reSting metabOliC rate, iS the amOunt Of energy an

individual needS tO COnSume Over a 24-hOur periOd fOr the bOdy tO maintain all

Of itS internal wOrking aCtivitieS while at reSt, NutrientS are the elementS

neCeSSary fOr bOdy prOCeSSeS andfunCtiOn, Nutrient denSity iS the prOpOrtiOn

Of eSSential nutrientS tO the number Of kilOCalOrieS, High–nutrient denSity

fOOdS prOvide a large number Of nutrientS in relatiOn tO kilOCalOrieS,

2. In general, when a patient’s energy requirements are completely met by

kilocalorie (kcal) intake in food. which assessment finding will the nurse


a. Weight increases,

b. Weight decreases,

c. Weight does not change,

d. Weight fluctuates daily,


In general, when energy requirements are completely met by kilocalorie (kcal)

intake in food, weight does not change. When kilocalorieS ingested exceed a

persons energy demands the individual gains weight, If kilocalorieS ingested fail to

meet a persons energy requirement, the individual loses weight, Fluid, not

kilocalories, Causes daily weight fluctuations.

3.A nurSe iS aSked hOw many kCal per gram fatS prOvided, HOw ShOuld the


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