IHUMAN BILLY JOHNSON “A 13 YR Old boy..” With Complaints Of Not Wanting To Attend
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study_Billy_Johnson-scored A-2022-
Billy Johnson
13 yo
“I hate school”
With his mother
● Fidgeting
● Warm, dry skin
Last Visit
One year ago, billy was seen for his well check. He was noted to be a little hyperactive at times;
his parents had recently divorced and he was a little irritable and frustrated with having to go
between his mother’s and father’s house. Had difficulty following his coach’s directions. Father
has a history of cocaine abuse.
1. How can I help you today?
a. My mom made me come here. I don't have any problems -- I'm fine, i'm normal, I
just don't want to go to school, okay??
2. What has been happening since your last visit?
a. This is my first visit??? HOW I HAVE RECORDS FROM ONE YEAR AGO
3. Mother: How can I help him today?
a. His grades are dropping and he is refusing to go to school. He’s always had
difficulties at school but things have been getting worse over the past year. And
theres so much more going on
4. Mother: Any other symptoms or concerns we should discuss?
a. Yes - both as school and home. His teachers all say he is very disrupt and has
problems following directions, remembering things, and waiting his turn. His
teachers report that he spends more time paying attention to his neighbors or
looking out the window than focusing on class instructions and discussion. They
say that his desk, locker and backpack are messy. He procrastinates when
assigned homework and snaps at me when I ask him or remind him about
homework. His teachers have also told me that he is constantly ill-prepared for
class, including not having pencils or misplacing completed homework
assignments. At home he doesn't listen to directions or follow through on his
chores -- especially if i give him more than one task at a time.
5. Clicked twice
6. Mother: what symptom is most distressing for him?
a. He says he feels fine, but I know he’s feeling singled out as a problem kid.
7. Mother: how does this affect his life?
a. I guess he's not wanting to go to school.
8. How are your grades in school?
a. Not good
9. Are you having difficulty concentrating or making decisions well?
a. That's what everyone tells me.
10. Mother: is he having trouble concentrating?
a. His concentration is poor at school and at home. I cant remember a day when he
was able to do everything we asked when we asked. This has really impacted his
schooling and we are at our wits end at home.
11. Mother: has he been more irritable or angry lately?
a. Well he is a 13 year old so its hard to say. He does snap at me when i remind
him to do his homework. He tends to procrastinate that a lot.
12. Do you have any other symptoms or concerns we should discuss?
a. I don't have any symptoms. I just don't want to go to school. THey make me feel
stupid and im alasyg getting n trouble when its not my fault. Everyone distracts
me but i'm the one the teachers say has the problem -- they keep on calling out.
Yeah i guess i have a lot of energy, and maybe i have a focus problem =. It's not
fair that some things like school are easier for my friends than for me.
13. Tell me how that makes you feel.
a. They make me feel stupid. And kids make fun of me because the teachers say I
can't focus. I just don't like it. I'm okay and happy at football practice and when
school’s out. That’s it.
14. What is your name?
15. Where are you?
16. What time is it?
17. What happened?
18. How does this affect your life?
a. Not really
19. When did your trouble concentrating or making decisions start?
a. I don't know i don't know if I really have a problem. They say i'm not paying
enough attention
20. Mother: when did his trouble concentrating or making decisions start.
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