1. Transporting prisoners: Determine age, advise dispatch to nature of arrest,indentification of
prisoner, destination and starting mileage
2. Transporting prisoners (TRUE OR FALSE): Handcuff and search before plac-ing in vehicle
3. Diagram location of physical evidence at crime scenes: Time and date ofsketch
Complaint number
Name of preper and measurer
4. Process a diagram of crime scene as evidence
~handles crime scene sketch as evidence~: Note date/time and location Identified person
making sketch with personal identifier (initials) and marks asevidence.
5. Photograph crime scene: Selects proper equipment Photographs exact location of
crime(house number/street sign)Photographs general exterior (perimeter)
Photographs specifics of the crime (evidence/victims)Logs sequence of pictures taken at crime
6. Grid Search: A search method employed by two or more people overlapping separate line
searches forming a grid. This method is best used in large crime scenes such as fields or woods
(outside).Several searches, or a line of them, movealongside each other from one end to the
7. Quadrant/zone search: A search method in which the crime scene is divided intosmaller
sections (zones or quadrants) and team members are assigned to search each section.Each of
these sections can be divided into smallersectionsforsmallerteams to search thoroughly. Best
searching for a small object
8. Spiral Search: Carried out by a single person involves the searcher walking in acircular
fashion from the outer point of crime scence towards the central point. DONOT START IN
9. Examinbe body for evidence of unnatural death: Notify medical examiner ofdeath
Investigate death scene for evidence of unnatural death before searching the body by
considering the length of time the person has been dead, visual signs of violence, apperance of
the body, etc.
10. Search bodies for identification when death is determined to be natur- al: Searches body
to locate identification (e.g, checks pockets, checks purse) or
identifying marks (e.g., scars, tattoos, amputations, medical alert tags) if death wasnatural
Inventories valuables obtained in search
Secured personal property obtained from a dead body
11. Conduct a Show up: Identifies possible suspects at the scene of the crime by:
-Interviewing witnesses
-reviewing evidence; or
-reviewing suspect's description
Locates the suspect by radio communications with base station or other officers orsearching
the surrounding area
Determines whether it is legal to conduct a show up:
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