MLS ASCP exam recall questions & Answers
2023 (Verified).
loose clusters of small spherical microconidia, positive urease - Trichophyton mentagrophytes
BHCG tumor marker - chorocarcinoma
5HIAA - carcinoid tumors
Proteus vulgaris vs P. mirabilis indole test - P. vulgaris is indole pos. P. mirabilis is indole neg
Hydatid cyst fluid - used to neutralize Anti-P1 antibody
Antacid overdose - Check pH
Prolonged PT, PTT, and thrombin after collecting from catheter - heparin contamination
mixing study that was performed with a prolonged PTT that couldn't be corrected - DRVVT
(Dilute Russell Viper Venom Test)
two pt's ran in duplicate (PT and PTT). The PTT seemed to always be prolonged but PT looked
ok - check the CaCl/phospholipid reagent delivery
Patient is on coumadin therapy, what will be affected - Decreased protein C
Lot's of stomatocytes - Liver disease
Burr cells - Uremia
Picture of target cells with hemoglobin C crystals. The white count was high on instrument 1, so
a second instrument was used with a stronger lysing agent, and the white count was corrected -
anti-lysing target cells are what increased the white count? Erythrocytes containing hemoglobin
C do not lyse normally (sickle cell diseases)
A sodium citrate tube was drawn for a HCT on a pt but the hematocrit was abnormal - recollect
with decreased anticoagulant. high hct (>55%) causes low plasma so you need less
Question that gives a red blood cells count, HGB, and HCT. I did the rule of 3 and found that the
HGB didn't meet the rule of 3 because it was too high - check for lipemia (elevates HGB)
PBS with an elevated reticulocyte count and howell jolly bodies in the RBC's - Prussian blue for
howell jolly bodies made of iron. Prussian blue stain, which is not taken up by reticulocytes, is
helpful in differentiating the two.
what is composed of DNA? - howell jolly bodies
what falsely increases ESR - vibration, tilting of tube, higher temps, >1 hr test time, improper
mixing of blood, improper dilution
factors decreasing ESR - Polycythemia, Microcytosis (Hb C), Sickle cells, spherocytes, Antiinflammatory medications, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Hypofibrinogenemia (DIC), High WBC
count, Hyperviscosity
Factors increasing ESR - Anemia, Macrocytosis, Female gender, Age >50 years, Obesity,
Pregnancy, Hypercholesterolemia, cancer, multiple myeloma, rouleaux, infections, inflammation
what falsely decreases ESR - low blood/ room temps, air bubbles, tests <1>200 and an FPG >126. What do you do next? - diagnosis
with diabetes mellitus.
(need secondary confirmation from 4 criteria. FRG >126, Random glucose >200, ogtt >200, or
Hb A1c >6.5)
Man tested positive for syphilis 2 years ago but may have again, how would you test him? -
Person tested positive for HIV-1 and HIV-2 but western blot was indeterminate. What do you
do? - repeat western blot in a month.
There was a positive DAT on cord blood; mother is Rh pos, baby is Rh neg. What is most likely
coating the baby's red cells? - K (kell)
Picture of what looks like cold agglutinins - Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria? (Aggregation of
the RBCs can occur, but this is considered mild compared with cold hemagglutinin disease. )
Mycoplasma infections more likely?
What phase can rouleux not be detected in? - AHG
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