1. Pathogenesis:
Answer The development of the disease or the sequence of events involved in the tissue
changes related to the specific disease process.
2. Onset:
Answer sudden OR acute- An acute disease indicates a short-term illness that develops
quickly with marked signssuch as high fever orsevere pain—for example, acute
appendicitis; onset may be insidious, best described as a gradual progression with only
vague or very mild signs.
3. Chronic:
Answer often a milder condition developing gradually,such asrheumatoid arthritis, but it
persistsfor a long time and usually causes more permanent tissue damage. Often a chronic
disease is marked by intermittent acute episodes.
4. Subclinical (stage/phase):
Answer in which pathologic changes occur but the patient exhibits no obvious
manifestations, perhaps because of the great reserve capacity of some organs.
5. Latent stage:
Answer "silent" stage, in which no clinical signs are evident, characterizes some
diseases. In infectious diseasesthisstage may be referred to asthe incubation period, which
is the time between exposure to the microorganism and the onset of signs orsymptoms; it
may last for a day orso or may be prolonged, perhapsfor days or weeks.
6. Disease transmission of an insect bite:
Answer The injury occurs when the insect either bites or stings the patient.Venom is
injected into the tissue, resulting in the body's response to a foreign protein.
7. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever/Tick Bite disease transmission:
Answer The causative agent, Rickettsia rickettsii, is transmitted by the wood tick and is
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