1. Replacement therapy examples:
1: administration of insulin
2: admimistration of thyroid hormone
2. Endocrine pharmacological other benefits examples:
administration of glucocorticoids in higher than normal doses for the benefit as an anti
inflammatory agent
3. Growth hormone is secreted by?:
Answer pituitary gland
4. Growth hormone release is regulated by?:
Answer hypothalamus release of growth hormone and somatotropin hormones
5. Anterior pituitary hormones:
1: ACTH (adrenal cortex)
2: GH (bone & muscle)
3: MSH (skin)
4:TSH (thyroid)
5: Prolactin (breast)
6: Gonadotropins- FSH & LH (testis & ovary)
6. Posterior pituitary hormones:
1: ADH (kidney)
2: Oxytocin (breast)
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