1. Pain Defined:
-Unpleasant phenomenon, Uniquely experienced byeach individual;
-Cannot be adequately defined, identified, or measuredby observer.
-"Whatever the experiencing person says it is, existingwhenever he says it does".
2. Barriers and Misconceptions of Pain:
-No physical signs of pain (Normal BP,Normal Pulse)
-PT worries about addiction, side effects
-Feels pain is natural and should be dealt with
3. (1) American Pain Foundation's Pain Care Bill of Rights:
(1)-Have report ofpain taken seriously
-Be treated w/dignity and respect by care providers
-Have pain thoroughly assessed and promptly treated.
-Be informed by healthcare provider about what maybe causing pain, possible treatments,
benefits, risksand costs of each.
4. (2) American Pain Foundation's Pain Care Bill of Rights:
(2) -Participateactively in decisions abt managing pain.
-Have pain reassessed regularly and treatment adjustedif pain has not been eased.
-Referred to pain specialist if pain persists.
-Get clear, prompt answers to questions, take time tomake decisions, and refuse a
particular type of treatment if you choose.
5. Language of Pain Control:
-Physical dependenceTolerance
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