1. What are examples of chronic geriatric syndromes and why are they important for
providers to recognize? How do they affect acute disease processes?:
-Urinary incontinence, fragile skin, confusion, problems with eating or feeding,falls, and
sleep disorders
-Early identification is important to prevent decline
2. What is the goal for functional assessment and management across set-tings?:
Answer Goal is the same across all settings
3. What factors are functional status dependent on?:
Answer motivation, vision andhearing, degree of assistance required, cognition
4. Which factors affectfunctionalstatus?:
Fluid affectsfunctionalstatus, notstatic which is affected by socialsupport,safety and
environmental;issues, physiologicaland psychological status, interaction of these
components provides a snapshot of an aging adult's functional status at a given point in
5. Why is functional assessment important?:
Basis for care planning, goal set-ting, and discharge planning
-Baseline for continual comparison
-Helps predict patient prognosis
-Objective measure to evaluate efficacy of treatments
-Needed for eligibility of services
-Durable medical equipment
-Home medications
-Inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation
For the older adult and family: Can identify areas for planning
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