1. Causes of Mental Status Change (AEIOU):
A - alcohol
E - electrolytes (mostly hypoNa+), endocrine (Addison crisis, hypo/hyperglycemia),and
epilepsy (metabolic or toxic)
I - Infection (sepsis, septic shock, meningitis)
O - overdose (benzos,TCA, SSRIs), opioids, and oxygen (hypoxemia, hypercapnia)U -
Uremia (urea, Na+, glucose, ethanol)
2. Causes of Mental Status Change (TIPS):
T - trauma (blunt force, hypovolemic/obstructive shock), temperature
(hyper/hypothermia), toxicity (overdose, opioids, oxygen)
I - Insulin
P - psychosis (acute/chronic psych issues)
S - Shock, sepsis, SOL (space-occupying lesions), SAH (subarachnoid hemorrhage)
3. Assessment - Glasgow Coma Scale (and points/category):
• Eyes Open? (4)
--> spontaneously (4), with voice (3), with touch (2), not at all (1)
• Verbal Response (5) --> oriented (5), confused (4), inappropriate (3), incomprehensible
(2), none (1)
• Motor Function (6) --> follows commands (6), localizes pain (5), withdraws to pain(4),
decorticates (3), decerebrates (2), none (1)
4. Glasgow Coma Scale Score Ranges:
• Mild (confused, awake/alert) = 14 - 15
• Moderate = 9 - 13
• Severe (comatose) = d8
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