1. Why are nitrate-free periods every 24 hours necessary for the patient onnitroglycerin
Answer To inhibit the development of tolerance
2. What does a low level of thyroid-stimulating hormone indicate?:
Answer Hyperthroidism
3. What would be the best option to treat a newly diagnosed patient with a lowTSH level
Answer Propanolol (Inderal)
4. Spironoaldactone (Aldactone) has what mechanism of action (MOA)?:
Answer Aldosterone antagonist
5. Heparin exertsitstherapeutic action by what?:
Answer Upregulating the activity of oneof the body's natural anticoagulant molecules,
antithrombin III
6. What physiologic action happens when the offending drug is administeredduring an
anaphylactic reaction.:
Answer Mast cells liberate large doses of histamine.
7. What are two systemic psoriasis medications?:
Answer Photo-therapy and topicalcorticosteroids
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