1. What are important to ask when obtaining the health history>:
CurrentMeds--how often--names?
Take medstoday?
Taking OTC's?
Taking any herbal supplements?
Noticed any problems from meds (side effects)?
Allergies?--what happened?
2. Who determines the generic name?:
U.S. Adopted Name Council
-Official drug name
-name it's given when first identified
-not capitalized
3. Important reason for a dental hygienist to have knowledge of pharmacology::
Obtaining a health history
Administering drugs in the office
Handling medical emergencies
Planning appointments
Dental hygienists need to be knowledgeable of pharmacology for obtaining a medical
history, administering certain drugsin the office, handling medical emergencies,planning
appointments, and educating patients.
4. All statements about generic drugs areTRUE --except which of the following?
a- Generic drugs must be chemically equivalent with trade name drugs.
b- The active ingredient of the generic product must enter the bloodstream atthe same rate
as the trade name drug.
c- All ingredientsin the generic drug must be exactly the same asfor the brandname
d- Manufacturers who develop trade name drugs are allowed a 20-year patent.-
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