Ornamental And Turf Pesticide Applicator Updated 2024
What is Thatch? - The layer of living and dead plant stems, leaves, and roots that
develops between the soil surface and green vegetation
What does proper mowing mean? - Using sharp blades to make a clean cut
To promote healthy turf and reduce disease... - Water thoroughly when you first
see wilting
When fertilizing... - Determine fertilizer need through results of a soil test
Which is false? - Thatch should be a least 2 inches thick to keep soil cool
Cool-season cultivars... - Can be mixed to minimize disease
Good soil drainage... - Promotes healthy turfgrass
Which is false? - Do not fertilize turf that is infected with Dollar spot
What are some characteristics of cutworms? - 1.) They attack turf
2.) They hide in burrows (or aeration holes) during the day and at night they clip
the turf surrounding the burrow, resulting in brown streaks or circles on the lawn
What are some characteristics of Armyworms? - 1.) The fall army worm and
yellow striped army worm are more commonly found in the southern and
transition turf ones.
2.) The sometimes feed together and "mow" the turf
3.) Has continuous generations through the year
What are some characteristics of Sod Webworms? - 1.) Use soap and water
method to find webworms
2.) Spin silk webbing at the base of grass crowns
3.) They winter as Caterpillars in protective webbing and in spring they feed
rapidly and molt into the pupal stage.
What are some characteristics of Billbugs? - 1.) They are grubs
2.) Billbug damage is easy to diagnose boy gabbing hold of the turf and PULLING
What are some characteristics of Chinch Bugs? - 1.) They feed in clusters and
damage first appears as circular patches of yellowing turf that resemble drought
What kinds of pests feed on roots? - 1.) White grubs and mole crickets are the
most serious root-feeding pests on turf grasses in the southern states
The immature stages of Japanese beetles, Green June beetles, Masked chafers,
and Oriental beetles are... - White grubs
What are some characteristics of Japanese beetles? - 1.) Grubs feed on roots and
organic matter at the soil-thatch junction
What are some characteristics of the Masked chafer? - 1.) Turf heavily infested
with masked chafers shows drought stress and dead patches that do not recover
after irrigation
2.) Infested turf lifts easily
What are some characteristics of Mole Crickets? - 1.) Tawny and southern mole
crickets are the most damaging insect pests of warm-season turf grasses in the
southern states
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