Chapter 1
Problem 1.1 For this problem set, we will use 13,103 observations of hourly counts from 2011
to 2012 for bike rides (rentals) from the Capital Bikeshare system in Washington DC. The data
are recorded for hours after 6am every day. (We omit earlier hours for convenience since they
often include zero ride counts.) This dataset is adapted from data originally compiled by Fanaee
and Gama in ‗Event labeling combining ensemble detectors and background knowledge‘ (2013).
This data can be used for modeling system usage (ride counts). Such usage modeling is a key
input for operational planning.
bikeshare.csv contains:
dteday: date
mnth: month (1 to 12)
holiday: whether day is holiday or not
weekday: day of the week, counting from 0:sunday.
workingday: if day is either weekend or holiday is 0, otherwise is 1.
weathersit: broad overall weather summary (clear, cloudy, wet)
temp: Temperature, measured in Celsius
hum: Humidity %
windspeed: Wind speed, measured in km per hour
cnt: count of total bike rentals that day
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