Chapter 1 – Strategic Market Management – An Introduction and Overview
1. Strategy development needs to reflect the fact that markets are dynamic. There are
implications to this reality. You need to be good at strategic analysis, innovation,
managing multiple businesses, creating SCAs (sustainable competitive advantages), and
developing growth platforms in the context of dynamic markets.
2. A business strategy is defined by the product-market investment, a value proposition,
assets/competencies, and functional strategies.
3. The book systematically covers external analysis and the development of strategies—
Figure 1.3 summarizes the elements of external and internal analysis plus the outputs of
strategic analysis.
4. Marketing‘s role at the strategy table follows from the definition of a business strategy.
Dynamic markets
Ask the class if it can think of any industries that are not dynamic. As industries come up, ask
if anyone sees any dynamics. In all industries it will be easy to identify areas of dynamics—
there will be emerging submarkets, opportunities, threats, new competitors, changing faces of
existing competitors, global realities, etc.
Follow that up with questions about the implications for strategy of a dynamic market. This
discussion should lead to the importance of the six tasks discussed on pages 2 and 3—
strategic analysis, customer value, innovation, multiple business (to participate in emerging
new markets and submarkets), SCAs (that work in dynamic times), and the need for growth
platforms (that work in dynamic environments).
Business strategy definition
Logically, if business managers are to develop strategy, they should know what it means. It
turns out that it is not so simple. Ask the class the simple question— ―What is Strategy?‖
Students will come up with concepts like strategy is a plan, a vision, planning, setting
objectives, matching resources with objectives, or matching the 4Ps to your target market.
You might then consider discussing one or more of the following definitions.
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