What are other forms of acceptable information to file complaint? -
ANSWER- 1. size 14 font, predominantly displayed in clinic/brochure
2. on billing statements/invoice/receipt
T/F a veterinarian must specify which speciality if listed - ANSWERTrue
You can display all certificates in office - ANSWER- False - only those
degrees that are dispersed based on a institute approved by TSBVME
All veterinarians in the facility except the relief vets have to post their
board license and license - ANSWER- False - even relief vets need to
post their license/info too
a legible photocopy is allowed as well!
What 7 requirements for labels/containers of meds? - ANSWER- 1.
2. client/patient name
3. number prescribed, strength, name
4. veterinarian date/name/address/telephone number
5. date of delivery/dispense
6. direction for usage
7. cautions i.e. not for human, withdrawal period
What do compounded medications need to include? - ANSWER- 1.
2. client/patient name
3. dose/number prescribed
4. veterinarians number, name, address
5. date of dispense
6. direct use
7. cautions
8. condition/disease to treat
9. expiration date
10. state dispensed in
What 2 agencies does a veterinarian need to be registered with to
prescribe controlled drugs? - ANSWER- 1. DEA
2. Texas Department of Public Safety
Food animal withdrawal when using compounded medication must
include: - ANSWER- 1. extended withdrawal
2. can't use active ingredient prohibited from food-animal
3. provide scientific data on withdrawal period
4. ensure that the treated animal is labeled/tracked in patient records
Can you sell compounded medications? - ANSWER- no
can you re-sell compounded medicine? - ANSWER- No
When prescribing an uncommonly used medication off-label how do
you inform client? - ANSWER- verbal or written, if verbal must include
in patient record
How long are controlled drug logs kept for? - ANSWER- 5 yrs
What information is included in record for controlled drugs? -
ANSWER- 1. date of acquisition
2. quantity purchased
3. date administered/dispensed
4. quantity administered/dispensed
5. name of client/patietn
6. total balance on hand of drug
What is included in rabies vaccination? - ANSWER- 1. owners
2. animal identification (species/sex, age, size, breed, color)
3. vaccine used (name/manufacturer/serial number)
4. date vaccinated
5. date vaccine expires
6. rabies tag number
7. vet signature
How long do you need to keep record of rabies vx? - ANSWER- 5yrs
If a DVM has knowledge about an animal bite are they required to
report? - ANSWER- Yes
When can patient records be destroyed? - ANSWER- if related to
civil/criminal/administrative proceedings if finally resolved
How long do patient records need to be maintained? - ANSWER- 5yrs
Who owns the patient records? - ANSWER- veterinarian(s) that own the
veterinary practice, client is entitled to records
Who owns an equine dental provider's records? - ANSWER- dental
how much time can elapse for an equine dental provider to give records
to DVM requested ? - ANSWER- 15 days
If owner/gov requests records, how many days are provided for the
DVM to send records? - ANSWER- 15 buisness days, no later than 30
calendar days after request, if emergency must be within 1 business day
Can you charge for records? - ANSWER- yes, i.e. postage, copying,
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