What is it called when
people make an agreement between themselves and the government? - ANSWER A
social contract
According to the social
contract theory, what is the origin of society? - ANSWER Society is the product
of human desire and effort
Which of the following did
John Locke view as the most important protections under the social contract? -
ANSWER Liberty and property
Which of these accurately
describes John Locke's view on the state of nature? - ANSWER The state of
nature was peaceful and consisted of rational human beings
According to John Locke,
how much authority should society have over its citizens under the social
contract? - ANSWER Limited authority, the social contract should provide a
society in which the society has no more power than is necessary to regulate
the natural rights and co-existence of its citizens
Describe the
characteristics of a social contract. - ANSWER A social contract is a
collective expression of a collectively shared interest, a definition of human
nature, and a specification of natural rights.
In what way is the state of
nature important for constructing a social contract? - ANSWER Society should be
a reflection of what it means to be human, and natural rights must be
acknowledged and protected in a social contract.
Why is it important to know
what the quality of life is like in the state of nature? - ANSWER How bad or
good life is in the state of nature will guide the need to cooperate with
others, and the subsequent social contract will help overcome the drawbacks
experienced in the state of nature.
What is the purpose of a
social contract? - ANSWER Social contracts are created to acknowledge and
protect natural rights.
What is an important
weakness of a social contract? - ANSWER Social contracts require consensus,
which is difficult to obtain in any society.
What do natural rights let
you do? - ANSWER Natural rights let you do what you need to survive and be
secure, and they impart an equality of all people.
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