WGU: D027:
WGU: D027: Advanced Pathopharmacological Foundations
What is the difference between ulcerative colitis and
Crohn's disease in terms of symptoms and body impacts?
- ANSWER-- Crohn's is inflammation and scarring in the
intestine (bowel) disease lining of all of the digestive
tract and worsens after eating
- Ulcerative colitis is inflammation of the bowel/digestive
tract and is only in the innermost lining of the large
intestines (colon) and rectum
What is the difference between Fragile X-Associated
Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) and Fragile X
Syndrome (FXS)? - ANSWER-- Both caused by mutations
on the FMR1 gene, but they are caused by different
changes in this gene
- FXS is caused by a full mutation
- FXTAS is a premutation
- FXS is present at birth, but display these features in
early life
- FXTAS develops in adulthood (usually after age 50) and
the symptoms may appear slowly and develop over the
WGU: D027: Advanced Pathopharmacological Foundations
- FXTAS individuals are usually healthy with normal
cognitive skills prior to the onset
How is Alzheimer's treated? - ANSWER-- There is no cure,
but there are pharmacological and non-pharmacological
- Cholinesterase inhibitors
- Memantine (namenda)
What are cholinesterase inhibitors prescribed for? -
ANSWER-- To treat symptoms related to memory,
thinking, language, judgment, and other processes
- Helps delay or slow the worsening of symptoms
What does cholinesterase inhibitors do? - ANSWER--
Prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical
messenger that is important for learning and memory
- Supports communication among nerve cells by keeping
the acetylcholine high
WGU: D027: Advanced Pathopharmacological Foundations
What are some commonly prescribed cholinesterase
inhibitors? - ANSWER-- Donepezil (aricept)
- Galantamine (razadyne)
- Rivastigmine (exeleon)
Which cholinesterase inhibitor can be used for all stages
of Alzheimer's? - ANSWER-- Donepezil (aricept)
Which cholinesterase inhibitor can be used for mild-tomoderate stages of Alzheimer's? - ANSWER--
Galantamine (razadyne)
- Rivastigmine (exeleon)
What medication combination is used to treat moderateto-severe Alzheimer's? - ANSWER-- Memantine
(namenda) and donepezil (aricept)
What is memantine (namenda) used for? - ANSWER--
Prescribed to improve memory, attention, reason,
language, and the ability to perform simple tasks
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