The sensor of the temperature measuring device shall be submerged a minimum of _____ in.
[_____mm] into the freshly mixed concrete. - ✔ ✔ 3 in. [75 mm]
The temperature measuring device shall have a capacity of measuring temperature of freshly mixed
concrete to +- _____ degrees F [+- _____ C] throughout a range of _____. - ✔ ✔ 1 degree F [0.5 C],
30 degrees F to 120 F [0 C to 50 C]
The temperature measuring device shall be calibrated _____, or whenever there is a question of _____.
- ✔ ✔ Annually, accuracy
The temperature of concrete may be measured in a wheelbarrow. True or False? - ✔ ✔ True
The temperature of concrete may be measured in a wall form. True of False - ✔ ✔ True
A composite sample of concrete is required even if the only purpose for obtaining the sample is to
determine temperature. True of False? - ✔ ✔ False
What must be done to the sample container prior to sampling the concrete? - ✔ ✔ Dampen (with
What must be done to the concrete surrounding the temperature measuring device after the device is
submerged in the fresh concrete. - ✔ ✔ Gently press the concrete around the temperature
measuring device at the surface of the concrete
How long must the temperature measuring device remain in the freshly mixed concrete? - ✔ ✔ At
least 2 minutes but not more than 5 minutes
After the temperature of the concrete is read, what is required? - ✔ ✔ Reporting of temperature
The temperature of concrete is reported to the nearest _____ degrees F [_____ C] - ✔ ✔ 1 degree F
[0.5 C]
According to ASTM C1064, what is one reason to take the temperature of concrete? - ✔ ✔ Verify
conformance to a specified requirement for temperature of concrete
A maximum temperature of freshly mixed concrete is specified in ASTM C1064. True of False? - ✔ ✔
The sample of concrete used for temperature determination must be rodded 25 times. True or False? -
✔ ✔ False
Sampling by this method is required when tests are to be made to determine _____ with specification
requirements. - ✔ ✔ Compliance
This method covers sampling from four types of mixtures which are _____, _____, _____, and _____. -
✔ ✔ Stationary mixers, paving mixers, revolving drum mixers, and open top mixers
The maximum allowable time between obtaining the first and final portions of a composite sample is
_____ minutes. - ✔ ✔ 15
Portions of a composite sample shall be thoroughly remixed bfore beginning tests on the sample. True
of False? - ✔ ✔ True
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