which of the following tapotement techniques is considered light tapotement? - ANSWER-tapping
which of the following would be defined as nerve pain? - ANSWER-neuralgia
which fibre is primarily active when bench pressing? - ANSWER-Fast-twitch type II B
to strengthen your client's gastrocnemius, ask her to perform: - ANSWER-active resisted plantar flexion
while the knee is extended
which of the following tests is being performed in this image? - ANSWER-medial epicondylitis
Trochanteric Bursitis can lead to increased tonus, pain and trigger points in these muscles: - ANSWERtensor fascia lata, glute medius
what does a positive sign for the shoulder depression test indicate? - ANSWER-nerve root compression
or brachial plexus injury
what is the positive sign for gillet's test? - ANSWER-upward or no movement of the PSIS
which orthopedic test is best to determine if your client has an AC joint pathology? - ANSWER-painful
to strengthen you client's levator scapula muscle, you would ask your client to perform 10 pain free reps
of resisted scapular________ - ANSWER-elevation
which of the following statements is an example of a close ended question? - ANSWER-when did the
accident happen?
which of the following statements describes a GH dislocation? - ANSWER-separation of the head of the
which of the following signs and symptoms are typical of asthma? - ANSWER-non-productive cough,
difficult expiration
which of the following signs and symptoms must be considered when a client with hypertension is
getting off a massage table? - ANSWER-dizziness, fatigue
what is the most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome? - ANSWER-Overuse of the forearm flexors
what type of information should not be recorded on a health history form? - ANSWER-treatment
what type of health history information is confidential? - ANSWER-all information
your client has a blood pressure of 210/140 mm Hg and requires the abdominal massage to help with
constipation. in this case, the massage will likely be: - ANSWER-strongly contraindicated at that moment
which of the following levels is a nerve root lesion indicative for a client with a diminished biceps and
brachioradialis reflex? - ANSWER-C5
which of the following is the most effective modality in reducing edema? - ANSWER-lymphatic drainage
which of the following is a reflexive effect of vine vibrations? - ANSWER-sedation of the nervous system
if your client has weakness with an extension, this could indicate a nerve root lesion at which spinal
level? - ANSWER-C7
What is the primary reason for obtaining health history information? - ANSWER-to identify indications
and contraindications for treatment
what type of information must be included in a health history form? - ANSWER-diagnosed diseases
which scenario is a contraindication to AF ROM? - ANSWER-pain in the acute stage
which of the following conditions can produce edema in the forearm? - ANSWER-Klumpke's paralysis
which of the following muscles contract with an autogenic inhibition stretch of the quadriceps muscle? -
what does a positive sign of the "sign of the buttock test" indicate - ANSWER-tumor, bursitis, or abscess
techniques which will be used during the treatment are describes in this part of the treatment plan: -
ANSWER-nature of the treatment
which of the following muscles will most likely require treatment for hypertonicity and trigger points
after a meniscus injury? - ANSWER-semitendinosis, rectus femoris
in the acute stage, which of the following tissue manifestations are indicated to treat on a client with
facet joint irritation? - ANSWER-muscle spasm and inflammation
which of the following signs and symptoms are typical for pronator teres syndrome? - ANSWER-loss of
motor control in the hand
to bring the coracoacromial ligament closer to the surface, what action will roll the humeral head
anteriorly, pressing the ligament forward? - ANSWER-extension
which of the following interview questions determines whether the condition is in the acute or in the
chronic stage? - ANSWER-onset of the pain?
health history form collects the following information - ANSWER-current medications?
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