What drug causes gingival hyperplasia Correct Answer-Nifedipine
Large space (diastema) between #11 and #12. What do you do? Correct Answer-Leave alone
(no impalnts or bridges)
Papilloma on tongue Correct AnswerMucocele. How is this treated? Correct Answer-Excise with salivary gland remnants
What is the greatest problem with resin bonded bridges Correct Answer-Debonding
How long before you can treat Hep A patient Correct Answer-tx after 1 week (called Jaundice)
How should an allergic reaction to barbiturates on lip be treated? Correct Answer-Benadryl
Patient does not like look on canine (pictured), asked what it was Correct Answer-Hypoplasia
Facial erosion due to acidic beverages Correct AnswerAmelogenesis Imperfecta (xray) Correct AnswerBlue sclera (eye picture), what dental findings should you see? Correct Answer-Dentinogenesis
All of the following are Hyperthyroid symptoms except?
a. fatigue
b. exopthalamus
c. tachycardia
d. tremor of extremities Correct Answer-a. fatigue
The minimal axial reduction for crowns are Correct Answer-1.5mm
Crown on #9 needs to be replaced. What measurement is correct? Correct Answer-2mm occlusal
What is the maximum amount of unsupported porcelain allowed? Correct Answer-2mm
The most important treatment for ANUG is Correct Answer-debridement
What is Gingivectomy used for Correct Answer-gingival hyperplasia
What is the treatment for a patient with a liver clot? Correct Answer-Irrigate, apply pressure,
(liver clot-unstable and often large, friable clot commonly forming in mucous membranes.
Usually lead to excessive bleeding and abnormal wound healing.)
In order to improve gingival health, what must you do to temporary crown? Correct AnswerUnder contour
Picture of Upper and lower complete arch crowns. What is wrong? Correct AnswerImpingement on gums/gums health
Patient presents with pain on swallowing when wearing their denture. What is wrong? Correct
Answer-Overextension of lingual flange
Patient presents with space in between 3rd molar and premolar, with class II mobility. How
should you treat? Correct Answer-Implant
Patient missing #2 and #3. #1 has Class III mobility and furcation involvement. What would be
the optimal treatment plan? Correct Answer-Extract #1 and implant for #3 or #2and #3
If you cannot pick a color for crown, what should you choose? Correct Answer-something with
LOWER shade saturation and less gray
What is the worst location for an implant? Correct Answer-maxillary posterior
What is the best location for an implant? Correct Answer-Either mandibular posterior or
mandibular anterior
What is the best long term prognosis for an implant? Correct Answer-Either mandibular
posterior or mandibular anterior
Zinc phosphate is the worst cement for what type of restoration Correct Answer-deep restoration
(pulpal irritation)
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