What is a stationary front? - ANSWER- A stationary front is when an
advancing warm airmass and an advancing cold airmass converge and
one is not strong enough to overtake the other so the air masses become
What is an Isobar? - ANSWER- An Isobar is a line of equal pressure
reduced to sea level. Since pressure varies with altitude, we cannot
readily compare station pressures between stations at different altitudes.
To make them compatible with each other, we must adjust them to a
common level (MSL)
What is standard sea level pressure in
-inches of mercury
-millimeters of mercury
-PSI - ANSWER- 1013.2 -millibars
29.92 -inches of mercury
760 -millimeters of mercury
Where to find approved WX sources? - ANSWER- Ops specs.
What is a strong pressure gradient (closely spaced isobars) indicate? -
ANSWER- High winds
What is Pressure Altitude? - ANSWER- For pressure altitude, set the
window in your altimeter to 29.92. Whatever value it reads is pressure
What is Density Altitude? - ANSWER- pressure altitude corrected for
non-standard temperature.
What is true altitude? - ANSWER- This is the height above "mean sea
What is absolute altitude? - ANSWER- Absolute altitude is your height
above the ground.
Describe circulations associated with high pressure systems. -
ANSWER- High pressure = clockwise circulations
Describe circulations associated with low pressure systems. - ANSWERLow pressure = counter-clockwise circulations
How often are SIGMETs and AIRMETs issued? - ANSWERAIRMETs:
Scheduled - every 6 hours starting at 0145Z
Max Forecast period - 6 hours
Unscheduled - as needed
Max Forecast period - 4 hours
Once issued, how long are SIGMETs good for? - ANSWER- 4 hours
How often are convective SIGMETs issued?
What are the locations?
How long are they good for? - ANSWER- Convective SIGMETs issued
every hour. If there are none, it will say none.
Locations: Western Central East.
Valid for 2 hours.
What is a WX depiction chart?
How often are WX depiction charts issued?
What times are they issued? - ANSWER- Lets you know IFR and VFR
WX depiction are issued 8 times a day every 3 hours
starting at 0100z.
How often are Radar summery charts issued? - ANSWER- Radar
summary charts are issued every hour.
Are AIRMETs scheduled? How long are they good for? - ANSWERAIRMETS ARE scheduled 255, 855, 1455, 2055. They are good for 6
What are SIGMETs? - ANSWER- A SIGMET is issued to alert pilots of
potential hazardous WX not adequately issued in an area forecast.
- Severe and extreme turbulence
- Severe icing
- Widespread dust storms, sandstorms, or VA lowering visibility to
below 3 miles.
What are AIRMETs? - ANSWER- An AIRMET is issued to alert pilots
of potential hazardous WX not adequately issued in an area forecast.
-Moderate icing
-Moderate turbulence
-Sustained winds of 30+knots at the surface
-Widespread areas of ceilings less than 1,000 feet or visibilities of less
than 3 miles.
- Extensive mountain obscurement.
What are convective SIGMETs? - ANSWER- A Convective SIGMET is
issued to alert pilots of potential hazardous WX not adequately issued in
an area forecast.
- Tornadoes
- Lines of T-storms
- Embedded thunderstorms
- T-storms areas greater or equal to intensity level 4
- Hail greater than 3/4 of an inch in diameter
What is an area forecast? (FA) - ANSWER- Expected VMC, clouds, and
general WX conditions over an area the size of several states. FA's
should be used in conjunction with AIRMETs SIGMETs, and
convective SIGMETs to get a full picture.
What locations are SIGMETs issued for? - ANSWER- SFO - San
SLC - Salt Lake City
DFW - Dallas Fort Worth
MIA - Miami
CHI - Chicago
BOS - Boston
What are the three types of AIRMETs? - ANSWER- Airmet Sierra (S) -
(Mountain obscuration or IFR) ceilings less than 1000 feet and/or
visibility less than 3 miles affecting over 50% of the area at one time;
extensive mountain obscuration
Airmet Tango (T) - (Turbulence) - Light - moderate turbulence,
sustained surface winds of 30 knots or more.
Airmet Zulu (Z) - (Icing) Light - moderate icing, freezing levels
What is the main difference between a SIGMET and an AIRMET? -
ANSWER- SIGMETs should be considered as significant SEVERE
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