LETRS UNITS 1-4 Questions And Answers
Which statement best describes the relationship between reading comprehension and
word decoding in a beginning reader's development? - Answer- Accurate, fast word
recognition is necessary for development of reading fluency and text comprehension.
Near the close of the day, a kindergarten teacher guides the students in conversation
about the day's activities. She writes down what is said on large chart paper, then reads
it to the class. This activity would aid their literacy development primarily by promoting
which skill? - Answer- oral language comprehension
After results of a winter screening, six second-graders scored in the "somewhat at risk"
range. What is the next step the teacher team should take? - Answer- Analyze the
screening results and gather additional diagnosis assessment data.
How is the word sn-ow divided? - Answer- onset-rime
How many spoken syllables are there in frightening? - Answer- 3
How many spoken syllables are there in cleaned? - Answer- 1
What is the main reason that the ability to identify, segment, blend, and manipulate
individual phonemes in spoken words is important for reading an alphabetic writing
system? - Answer- This skill ultimately supports the ability to read words, "by sight."
Students with relative weaknesses in basic phonemic awareness are most likely to
make progress if the teacher provides which practice? - Answer- asks students to look
in a mirror while they describe the way that target phonemes are formed in the mouth
Which student is demonstrating the most advanced level of phonemic awareness? -
Answer- the student substituting a sound in a given word and saying the new word.
A student spells skin as "sgin." What type of phonological error did she make? -
Answer- substitution of a voiced for an unvoiced consonant
Having students listen to a word, say it, and then mentally reverse the sounds in the
word is an instructional activity that would be most appropriate for which students? -
Answer- those who have mastered basic phonemic awareness
How can phonics instruction be organized to be most effective? - Answer- around a
preplanned progression through a logical skill sequence
Which word group might a teacher include in a lesson focused on identification of
consonant blends? - Answer- plan, squirm, train
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