The legislation governing the private investigator profession is known as? PSISA - Private Security and Investigative Services Act (2005) What are three general types of cases that a private investigator will take on? Investigation following an incident, into a suspicion or allegation of misconduct, or suspicion or allegation of breach of compliance. What are the ethical requirements of a private investigator? To conduct yourself in a lawful, transparent, professional manner and free of judgement, bias, or personal motivations. What may be the goal(s) of an investigation? Collection of evidence for larger action, amalgamation of data/info, assistance with compliance and resolution, or mitigation of future risk/incidents. What 8 criteria should be included in investigative plans? 1. Determining the goal/objective 2. Clarifying the scope and any potential hinderances 3. Establishing timeline and expectations for deliverables 4. Determining the resources required 5. Budget allowances 6. Communication and points of contact 7. Expectations of outcomes and possible alternatives 8. Scope of expertise and resources What tasks/duties could be expected in working as a private investigator? (7) Investigating behaviour, conducting searches/surveillance, researching, interviews, documentation, assessing facts and the source of said facts for credibility, and assisting law enforcement. What is a Mareva injunction? An court order that allows the freezing of a defendant's assets as a means of protection. What is an Anton Piller order? A civil search warrant. Section (2) of the PSISA states that...? A private investigator is a person who performs work, for remuneration, that consists primarily of conducting investigations in order to provide information. What section of the PSISA regulates the type of employers able to employ private investigators?
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