What is Methodology?
{{Ans- - The science of finding out
- Systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry
What is empirical knowledge? {{Ans- Knowledge based on what we experience + observe
What are the 4 ways of knowing?
{{Ans- 1. Authority
2. Tradition
3. Personal Experience
4. Scientific Safeguard
Which way of knowing is the most influential? {{Ans- Personal Experience
What is authority? {{Ans- Knowledge from someone we think is an expert
What are the pros/cons of authority?
{{Ans- PROS:
- Quick + easy
- Experts spend a lot of time + energy
- Overstated expertise
- Ulterior motives
- Misplaced authority
What is tradition? {{Ans- Authority of the past
What are the pros/cons of tradition?
{{Ans- CONS:
- History can change
- Often not true in first place
- Can result in spreading misinformation
What are the downsides + potential pitfalls of personal experience?
{{Ans- - Overgeneralization
- Selective Observation
- Premature closure
- Halo effect
What is overgeneralization? {{Ans- Observing few events + taking them as evidence of a general pattern
What is selective observation? {{Ans- Noticing events that confirm what we already believe + ignoring or
discrediting events that are not supportive
What is premature closure? {{Ans- Not considering alternatives once you make your mind up about
What is the halo effect? {{Ans- Giving things or people we respect an overly high amount of prestige +
What are the scientific safeguards against the pitfalls of personal experience?
{{Ans- - Conscious training
- Measurement devices
- Replication
- Research designs
- Peer review
- Constant reinvestigation
What is replication? {{Ans- Repeating a research study to test the findings of an earlier study, often
under slightly conditions or for a different group of subjects
What is social science? {{Ans- The use of scientific methods to investigate individuals, societies, + social
processes, including questions related to criminology + criminal justice
- The knowledge produced by these investigations
Why do we conduct social science research?
{{Ans- - Answer practical questions
- Make informed decisions.
- Make money
- Change society
- Build basic knowledge
What are the four categories of research purposes?
{{Ans- - Exploration
- Description
- Explanation
- Evaluation
What is the purpose of exploration? {{Ans- Formulate more precise questions for future research
- Topics that have not been studied a lot
What is the purpose of description? {{Ans- Describe a process, mechanism, or relationship
- Document status of something
What is the purpose of explanation? {{Ans- To find out why something is
What is the purpose of evaluation? {{Ans- Determine effectiveness of specific policies + programs
What is theory? {{Ans- A set of interconnected statements or propositions that EXPLAIN how two or
more events or factors are related to one another
How are theory and research related? {{Ans- Theory always present in research.
Can be multiple competing theories to explain same phenomenon
How does theory affect method? {{Ans- Direction of logic and Level of Theory
What is induction? {{Ans- Specific to general
- Begin with abstract logical relationship and move toward concrete evidence
What is deduction? {{Ans- Specific to general
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